Wednesday 31 December 2014


Queen of the night flower- it flowers at night with the most 
wonderful tropical perfume

Baby birds in Nest

At Reduit.

''All lives deserve respect and kindness''

Hanging bud.

Light and sound on the path- White Lotus.

Infinite path.

Hanging pink petal


Cute ducks

Old paint, 

''The World is yours to explore''.

''Bilembi'' at Aux Monde.

Meet me here between the waves.

Pineapple patterns.

Holding the baby bird in my hand.

Floating boat just waiting to take me
out on the water, a warm beach, sunny day and summer.

Fall leaves- Just let them go.

Lovely pastel flower

From the sharpest & harshest thorns,
Comes the most exquisite beautiful cactus flower.

Wild berries.

When the rose is near to the end.

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited about this process and the focus it's bringing to my work. Particularly thrilling is the way that, with practice, i'm learning to recognize my own passions more easily. This has brought me the increase confidence to pursue them.
